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Employee Grievance Procedures 101: Mastering Workplace Peace

Employee Grievance Procedures 101: Mastering Workplace Peace

To understand the importance of mastering employee grievance procedures, you should consider the snowball effect. Most HR consultants can have stories of minor grievances that quickly escalate into larger conflicts. Those tend to significantly affect team morale and, ultimately, its productivity. Without a structured grievance procedure in place, the situation can become almost impossible to manage.

In the dynamic landscape of modern workplaces, maintaining peace and productivity is paramount. Companies of all sizes find effective employee grievance procedures crucial in business. They help resolve conflicts in a timely manner, thereby fostering a harmonious work environment. 

However, small business owners and HR leaders often face challenges when managing grievances manually. They can benefit from streamlined and efficient solutions, like those found with Launchways. In this context, understanding the fundamentals and importance of clear employee grievance procedures becomes imperative.

What Is a Workplace Grievance?

A workplace grievance is when an employee formally or informally complains about their work environment, conditions, or treatment. These complaints can cover individual issues or larger group or union-related problems. They are all critical, and they all need to be handled and resolved correctly.

Types of Employee Grievances

Employee grievances can be categorized into individual, group, or union-related issues. Each type requires specific approaches and considerations to achieve fair and satisfactory outcomes in the grievance-handling process.

Individual Grievances

Individual grievances occur when a single employee experiences a problem in the workplace. Common issues include:

  • Pay and benefits disputes
  • Excessive workload concerns
  • Workplace favoritism complaints
  • Bullying or workplace discrimination issues
  • Lack of transparency in promotions

Group Grievances

Group grievances involve a collective complaint from multiple employees with similar concerns. Examples include:

  • Gender pay gap disputes
  • Employee schedule disagreements
  • Grievances related to organizational changes

Union Grievances

Unions file grievances on behalf of workers when they believe their rights are not being upheld. Examples of union grievances include:

  • Improper deduction of union dues by management
  • Violations of collective bargaining agreements

Understanding these different types of grievances helps organizations address employee concerns effectively.

Understanding Employee Grievance Procedures

Effective employee grievance procedures are crucial for dealing with conflicts quickly and keeping the workplace peaceful.

Importance of Clear Procedures

Clear and transparent grievance procedures are important for solving conflicts effectively in organizations. When employees know exactly what to do and how their concerns will be handled, it builds trust. 

This trust makes employees more comfortable sharing their grievances. In turn, that ensures that problems are dealt with fairly and quickly.

Legal Compliance

Another essential part of employee grievance procedures is understanding their legal implications and compliance requirements. Businesses need to follow these legal requirements to fairness in the process. 

Following the law protects employees and keeps the organization safe from legal problems.

Creating a Workplace Grievance Policy

Creating clear employee grievance procedures is essential for managing grievances well in an organization. They outline:

  1. What steps to follow
  2. Who is responsible for what
  3. What are the deadlines for resolving issues
  4. What to do if a grievance isn’t resolved

Having a detailed policy helps everyone know what to expect. It promotes fairness and openness when dealing with employee concerns.

Benefits of Grievance Procedures

Employee grievance procedures offer significant benefits to organizations and employees alike, such as tthte following:

Promoting Transparency

Grievance procedures promote transparency in addressing employee concerns, fostering a positive work culture.

Resolving Issues Proactively

By addressing grievances promptly, organizations can prevent conflicts from escalating and impacting productivity.

Improving Employee Relations

Effective employee grievance procedures demonstrate that the organization values employee feedback. They also show their commitment to addressing concerns and lead to improved employee relations.

Employee Grievance Process Steps

The process for employee grievance procedures typically includes the following steps:

  1. Receipt of Grievance: The process begins with receiving and documenting the grievance.
  2. Investigation and Analysis: The HR team investigates the grievance. It gathers relevant information and analyzes the situation.
  3. Resolution and Communication: A resolution is proposed once the investigation is complete. It is then communicated to the parties involved and implemented.
  4. Follow-Up and Monitoring: Follow-up measures ensure that the resolution is adequate. Ongoing monitoring helps identify any recurring issues or trends.

Grievance Procedure Best Practices for Managers

Managers play a crucial role in the grievance process. Best practices for managers include the following:

  • Active listening
  • Maintaining confidentiality
  • Conducting fair investigations
  • Providing regular updates to employees involved

Are Automated Solutions Right for Your Employee Grievance Process?

Launchways offers a comprehensive approach. They help companies assess whether automated solutions are suitable for their people processes. Here’s how Launchways can assist:

Evaluation of Needs

Launchways begins by evaluating your company’s specific needs and requirements. This assessment considers factors such as the existing processes and desired outcomes.

Software Selection Guidance

Based on the evaluation, Launchways provides guidance on choosing the right automated software. They consider scalability, ease of use, and data security features to ensure a seamless fit.

Customized Training and Integration Support

Launchways offers full support to help organizations adopt and use automated grievance systems smoothly. Services include:

  • Customized Training Solutions: Tailored training programs are designed to fit your company’s specific processes. These programs help employees use the automated grievance system effectively.
  • Integration Support: Assistance is provided in integrating the automated system into your existing HR processes.

Teaming up with Launchways helps companies make smart choices about using automated solutions. This can lead to better efficiency, accuracy, and happier employees.

Key Points

Effective employee grievance procedures are crucial for workplace peace and a positive culture. Here are the things to remember:

  1. Understanding Grievance Procedures: Mastering these processes is vital. Launchways’ automated solutions can benefit small businesses and HR leaders.
  2. Importance of Clear Procedures: Transparency in grievance handling builds trust. It encourages employees to voice concerns promptly.
  3. Legal Compliance: Adherence to legal aspects ensures fairness in grievance resolution.
  4. Creating a Grievance Policy: Establishing a clear policy is foundational for effective grievance management.
  5. Automated Solutions’ Benefits: Launchways provides comprehensive support, including training and integration assistance.

Mastering grievance procedures is key to workplace harmony. Consider Launchways’ automated solutions for effective grievance management.

Mastering OSHA Compliance Updates in Chicago

Mastering OSHA Compliance Updates in Chicago

Why should Chicago companies stay current with OSHA compliance updates? Imagine a bustling construction site in downtown Chicago, where workers maneuver heavy machinery and navigate precarious heights daily. Amidst the noise and activity, a foreman diligently checks safety protocols, ensuring every worker wears protective gear and follows OSHA Compliance Updates to the letter. 

In bustling cities like Chicago, businesses thrive on innovation, productivity, and, most importantly, safety. OSHA ensures workplace safety and regulatory compliance. 

For businesses in Chicago, staying updated with OSHA regulations is not just about following the law; it’s about protecting employees, avoiding penalties, and maintaining a positive work environment. 

Before delving into the specifics of OSHA compliance updates, Launchways examines the historical context that led to its establishment, as well as the challenges businesses face in staying updated with these regulations. OSHA’s history is rooted in a longstanding need for workplace safety regulations to protect workers across various industries.

What Is OSHA?

OSHA was created in 1970 as part of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. The act was a response to alarming rates of workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatalities, highlighting the pressing need for federal oversight and enforcement of safety standards.

Prior to OSHA’s establishment, workplace safety regulations were fragmented and inconsistent, leading to hazardous conditions in many industries. OSHA’s primary mission is to ensure safe and healthy working conditions for employees by setting and enforcing standards and providing training, outreach, education, and assistance.

Understanding OSHA Compliance Updates

OSHA has evolved over the decades. Chicago-based businesses must navigate a landscape of regulations that have evolved over time to address emerging technological advancements. OSHA regulations cover many areas, including workplace hazards, training requirements, recordkeeping, etc. 

Recent updates in OSHA compliance standards have emphasized the need for enhanced safety measures and risk mitigation strategies, particularly in high-risk industries. They reflect ongoing efforts to improve safety practices, reduce workplace accidents, and protect workers’ rights.

Challenges in OSHA Compliance

Despite the clear benefits of OSHA compliance, businesses in Chicago face several challenges in staying fully compliant. These challenges can include understanding complex regulations, managing diverse workforce needs, and keeping up with changing standards. 

Non-compliance not only puts employees at risk but also exposes businesses to potential fines, lawsuits, and damage to their reputation.

Leveraging Automated Solutions for OSHA Compliance

One effective solution to address the complexities of OSHA compliance updates is leveraging automated software solutions. These tools are designed to streamline compliance processes, provide real-time updates on regulatory changes, and ensure consistent adherence to safety protocols. 

By automating compliance management, Chicago businesses can save time, reduce errors, and maintain a culture of safety.

Key Features to Look for in OSHA Compliance Software

When choosing OSHA compliance software, Chicago businesses should consider critical features that align with their specific needs.

Scalability and Customization

Software that can scale with the business and be customized to address industry-specific regulations is crucial for long-term compliance success.

Integration Capabilities

Seamless integration with existing HR systems and workflows simplifies compliance data management and reporting processes.

Compliance Tracking and Reporting

Robust tracking and reporting functionalities enable businesses to monitor compliance status, identify improvement areas, and efficiently generate audit-ready reports.

Implementing Automated Solutions in Chicago Businesses

Integrating automated OSHA compliance solutions into existing HR practices requires a strategic approach.

  1. Assessment. Evaluate current compliance processes, identify pain points, and determine specific requirements for the software.
  2. Training. Provide comprehensive training to employees responsible for using the software, ensuring they understand its functionalities and benefits.
  3. Support. Offer ongoing support and resources to address any challenges or questions that arise during implementation.
  4. Case Studies. Learn from successful implementation stories within Chicago-based companies to glean best practices and insights.

Benefits of Proactive OSHA Compliance Management

Taking a proactive approach to OSHA compliance offers numerous benefits for Chicago businesses.

  • Improved Workplace Safety: Enhanced safety measures lead to a healthier, more secure work environment for employees.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Avoiding penalties and fines through consistent adherence to OSHA standards protects the business’s financial stability.
  • Employee Morale and Productivity: A focus on safety and compliance positively impacts employee morale, productivity, and retention rates.

Key Takeaways

As you can see, mastering the OSHA compliance updates in Chicago requires a combination of awareness, proactive measures, and the right tools. Automated solutions offer a pathway to efficient and effective compliance management. This benefits both businesses and employees. 

By prioritizing safety and regulatory compliance, Chicago businesses can create a workplace that fosters success and well-being.

Businesses in Chicago should explore automated OSHA compliance solutions tailored to their needs. By investing in compliance management tools, you not only meet regulatory requirements but also pave the way for a safer and more resilient future.

Optimizing Workplace Productivity and Wellness: HR Strategies for Success

Optimizing Workplace Productivity and Wellness: HR Strategies for Success

HR strategies, mental wellness, inclusivity, workplace productivity. These are more than just buzzwords. Together, they form the framework that results in a well-managed workforce of content employees or an environment of apathy.

It’s no secret that today’s work environment is a dynamic canvas, constantly shifting and demanding new strategies to optimize productivity and support employee wellness. As HR specialists, our role is pivotal in adapting strategies to optimize productivity while prioritizing employee wellness. 

As someone who’s been in HR services for years, I understand the challenge of adapting to these changing needs. That’s why Launchways is here to share some insights and strategies to navigate these changes effectively.

Flexibility: Embracing Change for Better Work Dynamics

Remember when the traditional 9-to-5 was the gold standard in Chicago? Well, times have changed. The rise of remote work and hybrid models has challenged the norms. Embracing this change by offering flexible schedules or remote options can significantly boost morale and productivity. 

In fact, flexibility has become one of the most common employee demands in recent years. According to Achievers Workforce Institute (AWI), it is the number one reason workers change jobs. Hybrid work schedules allow for better work-life balance. It offers a more relaxed, focused approach to tasks resulting in up to a 20% increase in employee satisfaction.

Efficiency: Streamlining HR Processes for Maximum Output

Efficiency – the holy grail of productivity remains the cornerstone of productivity. Embracing automation tools within HR operations can work wonders. From applicant tracking systems to onboarding software, automation minimizes manual tasks, letting your team focus on what truly matters. 

I remember when the recruitment process was time-consuming and arduous. It used to take weeks. With the integration of automated systems, we witnessed a remarkable reduction in hiring time. It cut that down by half allowing our team to concentrate efforts on engaging with potential candidates more effectively.

Inclusivity: Fostering Diversity for a Supportive Environment

Inclusivity isn’t just a buzzword. It’s the cornerstone of a thriving workplace. Creating an inclusive workplace goes beyond fulfilling diversity quotas; it’s about valuing different perspectives and creating an environment where everyone feels respected and heard. 

Initiatives like mentorship programs focusing on diverse talent have proven instrumental in nurturing a sense of belonging and driving innovation through varied viewpoints.

Mental Wellness: Prioritizing Employee Health and Resilience

Employee well-being is non-negotiable. They are integral components of a productive workforce. Prioritizing mental health support programs and promoting work-life balance isn’t just a nice gesture – it’s crucial. 

Witnessing a colleague burn out due to a heavy workload and lack of support was an eye-opener. It really highlighted the urgency for prioritizing employee well-being. 

Implementing regular check-ins, wellness seminars, and flexible hours has helped us not only retain talent but also boosted overall productivity and creativity.

Automated Solutions: Revolutionizing HR Practices

Welcome to the age of AI and machine learning! The adoption of AI-driven recruitment tools has revolutionized HR’s hiring process in the following ways:

  • Enhancing decision-making capabilities through data analysis
  • Improving candidate sourcing
  • Offering insights for strategic planning

The implementation of AI-driven recruitment tools not only expedited our hiring process but also facilitated the identification of top talent, leading to reduced turnover rates. They don’t just make life easier. It’s like having a reliable assistant who never sleeps! 

Actionable Steps for HR Leaders

In this ever-evolving landscape, HR leaders hold the compass to navigate through change successfully. Embracing flexibility, streamlining processes, fostering inclusivity, prioritizing mental wellness, and integrating automated solutions are the pillars of building a resilient, thriving workplace.

Assess your current HR practices. Identify bottlenecks and areas where automation can lend a helping hand. Invest in tools that align with your company’s culture and goals. Remember, employee feedback should be your guide. Adapt and evolve based on their needs.

So, fellow HR practitioners, let us collectively steer our organizations toward a workplace that not only thrives in productivity but also champions the holistic well-being of every individual. Together, we can create a workspace where success and happiness coexist.

For more information, reach out to the professionals at Launchways.

Anticipating the Rise of Employee Leave Requests

Anticipating the Rise of Employee Leave Requests

As organizations continue to navigate the evolving landscape of remote work, the anticipated increases in employee leave requests have become a prominent topic of discussion. During these unprecedented times, companies struggle to strike a balance that leaves them financially in the black while meeting their employees’ needs.

The surge in work-from-home and hybrid work schedules, driven by the recent global pandemic, has led to a significant shift in workplace dynamics. This could be a source of frustration for employers who assumed that their standard operating procedures would revert back to normal when the pandemic ended. Many companies are unsure how far they need to alter their regular practices to remain current with the changing times.

Based on the 2023 Employee Leave of Absence Forecast Survey by leading leave and accommodation management platform AbsenceSoft, human resource leaders have recently seen substantial increases in employee leave requests. In 2022, they jumped between 20 and 40% and are expected to increase again by up to 60% in 2023.

Why Is This an Issue?

According to researchers, even with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA), the U.S. is unfortunately among the few countries that do not guarantee paid sick leave or family and medical leave for employees. Although FMLA provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year, that leaves many workers and their families unprotected in their most significant times of need.

To further exacerbate the problem, many employers are exempt from FMLA due to the size of their business and the number of full-time workers they employ.

Since states can make their own medical leave rules, many are adopting far more generous regulations than the federal requirements given by FMLA. In fact, a number of states have created leave programs that guarantee paid time off to family caregivers and working parents.

However, this still leaves access to PTO at the employers’ discretion for most employees.

Reasons for Increases to Employee Leave Requests 

As businesses seek to predict and accommodate these scheduling changes, it is helpful to understand what is driving them. The three main contributors to these leave request increases are related to the following:

  • Personal illness
  • Mental health concerns and burnout
  • Care for family members

Although flexibility with work schedules was initially seen as a necessary accommodation during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become an essential employee benefit.

Why This Trend Is Likely to Continue

The ability to successfully navigate a balance between their workalike and home life has become a greater priority for many employees. In fact, it can significantly influence how long someone will remain with the company. The more they feel their individual needs are being met by their employers, the more likely they will experience a sense of loyalty to the company.

Therefore, it’s no wonder that many companies are introducing more paid time off in their 2023 benefits packages. This not only helps to retain current employees, but it also goes a long way to attracting potential new hires.

Navigating the Future

Over the past two years, retaining staff and recruiting new talent remains an ongoing issue for many companies, but managing staff time off has been by far one of the most difficult aspects of running a business. Calculating employee eligibility and ensuring compliance with a variety of laws, as well as company policies are two of the primary difficulties, making employee leave management one of the most challenging tasks for businesses. 

Plus, many corporate leaders have found it hard to effectively manage their employees’ absences. Some are still relying on outdated methods, like spreadsheets, calendar reminders, and sticky notes. This archaic approach has proven to be inefficient leaving 44% of HR professionals stating that their organization is only marginally or not at all effective at the task.

Unfortunately, many businesses are unprepared to counter the potential legal action that may result as a consequence of mismanaging employee leaves. Adopting administrative software that performs the duties related to managing employee leave can simplify the process while ensuring accuracy and compliance. Thereby, relieving the associated tension between HR leaders and employees.

In Conclusion…

As employee leave requests from concerns such as burnout, illness, mental health issues, and caregiving responsibilities increase, organizations must continue to address them. They can do this by promoting employee well-being, providing flexible policies, and fostering open communication to mitigate the impact of increased leave use. 

By recognizing and addressing these unique stressors, organizations can more effectively support their employees and maintain a healthy work-life balance in the remote work environment.

Simplifying HR for Small and Medium-sized Businesses: The Power of Managed HR Services

Simplifying HR for Small and Medium-sized Businesses: The Power of Managed HR Services

Running a small or medium-sized business (SMB) comes with its own unique set of challenges. From managing day-to-day operations to nurturing growth, entrepreneurs often find themselves juggling multiple hats. One crucial aspect that demands their attention is human resources (HR). However, HR functions can be time-consuming, complex, and overwhelming for SMBs. This is where managed HR services come to the rescue. In this blog post, we’ll explore how managed HR services can simplify HR processes for SMBs, allowing them to focus on what they do best.

1. Understanding the Basics of Managed HR Services:

Managed HR services provide SMBs with comprehensive HR support and solutions. Rather than handling HR tasks in-house, businesses partner with an external HR provider to take care of critical functions such as payroll management, benefits administration, compliance, talent acquisition, and more. This allows SMBs to access the expertise of HR professionals without the burden of building an entire HR department.

2. Streamlining HR Processes:

One of the most significant advantages of managed HR services is the streamlining of HR processes. By leveraging the expertise and advanced technology of the HR provider, SMBs can automate and optimize routine HR tasks. From managing employee data and attendance tracking to generating accurate payroll reports, the right HR service provider can simplify processes, reducing manual effort and eliminating errors.

3. Cost Savings:

For SMBs, managing HR internally can be costly. Hiring dedicated HR staff, investing in HR software and infrastructure, and ensuring compliance with ever-changing regulations can strain limited resources. However, with managed HR services, businesses can benefit from cost savings. By outsourcing HR functions, SMBs avoid overhead expenses associated with maintaining an in-house HR department. Instead, they pay a predictable fee to the HR service provider, often tailored to their specific needs.

4. Expertise and Compliance:

Navigating complex HR regulations and compliance requirements can be a daunting task for SMBs. However, with managed HR services, businesses gain access to HR professionals well-versed in employment laws and regulations. These experts ensure that the business remains compliant with the latest HR legislation, reducing the risk of costly penalties and legal issues. Moreover, they stay updated on industry best practices and can provide guidance on HR strategies tailored to the specific needs of SMBs.

5. Scalability and Flexibility:

As SMBs grow, their HR needs evolve as well. Managed HR services offer scalability and flexibility, allowing businesses to adapt their HR support as they expand. Whether it’s onboarding new employees, expanding benefits packages, or implementing performance management systems, an HR service provider can quickly adjust to meet changing requirements, providing SMBs with the agility they need to thrive in a dynamic business environment.

6. Enhanced Focus on Core Business:

By entrusting HR functions to a trusted HR service provider, SMBs can redirect their energy and resources toward their core competencies. This allows them to focus on innovation, business development, and serving their customers more effectively. Outsourcing HR responsibilities enables business owners and managers to dedicate their time and attention to strategic initiatives that drive growth and differentiate their company in the marketplace.


For small and medium-sized businesses, managed HR services offer a lifeline in simplifying and optimizing HR operations. By partnering with an external HR provider, SMBs can streamline their processes, reduce costs, ensure compliance, access expert HR guidance, and free up valuable time and resources. As you focus on nurturing your business, consider the power of managed HR services and unlock the potential to take your organization to new heights.

COVID “Long-Haulers” May Now Qualify for FMLA and ADA Protection

COVID “Long-Haulers” May Now Qualify for FMLA and ADA Protection

On July 26th, the 31st anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), President Joe Biden announced that individuals coping with long-term symptoms from COVID-19 may be eligible for disability protections under the ADA and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), so what does this mean for employers?

Health experts are still learning about “long-COVID”, officially dubbed Post-Acute Sequelae of Sars-Cov-2 Infection, and the medical community’s understanding of the condition is continuing to evolve as more information comes in. The CDC website lists the following as the most common post-COVID symptoms: 

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Tiredness or fatigue
  • Symptoms that get worse after physical or mental activities
  • Difficulty thinking or concentrating (sometimes referred to as “brain fog”)
  • Cough
  • Chest or stomach pain
  • Headache
  • Fast-beating or pounding heart (also known as heart palpitations)
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Pins-and-needles feeling
  • Diarrhea
  • Sleep problems
  • Fever
  • Dizziness on standing (lightheadedness)
  • Rash
  • Mood changes
  • Change in smell or taste
  • Changes in period cycles

In his July 26th announcement, Biden said that “many Americans who seemingly recover from the virus still face lingering challenges like breathing problems, brain fog, chronic pain and fatigue. These conditions can sometimes…rise to the level of a disability.” 

Employers are advised to treat all requests for accommodation or leave involving long-term COVID-19 symptoms in the same manner they would for any other non-obvious impairment or disability. 

If an employee is seeking FMLA leave – either intermittent or as an interval of time, employers should take the following steps to decide how to proceed:

  • Determine if the employer covered by FMLA
  • If so, determine if the employee qualifies for FMLA. Consider that the employer must have 50 employees within 75 miles of the employee’s worksite, and the employee must have been employed at least 12 months and must have worked a minimum of 1250 hours in the past 12 months. 
  • Provide the employee with a Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibilities, Form WH-381, even if they are not eligible for FMLA leave. 
  • If the employee is determined to be eligible for FMLA leave, the employer should request healthcare certification showing that the claimed disability qualifies the employee for FMLA protection. 
  • Employees seeking leave due to their own symptoms should be provided with Form WH-380-E, and employees seeking leave to care for a family member should be provided with form WH-380-F
  • A Designation Notice, Form WH-382, should be used to either denominate the leave as FMLA leave or to serve as notice to the employee that the leave is unapproved or additional information is required. 

If the individual is seeking ADA Accommodations for long-haul COVID-19 symptoms, the employer should consult with the individual to determine what their exact limitations are and what accommodations are being sought. Keep in mind that the ADA requires the employer to make reasonable accommodations for employees, as well as applicants for employment, who have disabilities. 

The ADA does not provide a checklist of conditions that are covered, so instead the employer will need to conduct an individualized assessment to determine if the person has a disability as defined by the ADA. In this context a disability is defined as any impairment that substantially limits major life functions. 

Guidance issued by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Health and Human Services (HHS) on July 26th stated that the phrase “substantially limits” should be interpreted broadly and should not require in-depth analysis. 

The employer should then request the individual to have their healthcare provider submit written confirmation of:

  • The extent that a disability will substantially limit the individual’s major life functions, including the nature of the disability, its severity, and the anticipated duration of the disability. 
  • Their assessment of the individual’s ability to perform the essential functions of the position, with or without reasonable accommodation. 
  • What accommodations the provider believes should be provided that would allow the individual to perform the essential functions of the position safely. 

If it becomes clear that the individual does have a disability, the employer should continue to engage with the individual to determine appropriate accommodations. The individual is not granted the ability to dictate which accommodations are provided under the ADA, but it is in the best interest of all parties that they reach an agreement on this subject. 

Employers should also keep in mind that reasonable accommodations are not required under the ADA if they would cause an undue hardship on the business, and that long-term effects from COVID-19 don’t always qualify as a disability under the ADA. 

It is important employers fully understand the scope of the laws’ coverage in order to be prepared to handle any potential situation. No matter the outcome, employers should always carefully document every step throughout this process and be sure to communicate clearly with the individual seeking accommodations.