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The Future of AI: How Will It Affect Your 2024 Workplace?

The Future of AI: How Will It Affect Your 2024 Workplace?

What is the future of AI? Artificial intelligence (AI) has surged globally, prompting discussions on its integration into the workplace. As industry leaders anticipate AI’s influence in 2024, we focus on several workforce concerns. 

In addition to a few basics, we’ll discuss the transformation of job roles and the need for upskilling to adapt to technological shifts. With the right tools, your business can face this change with confidence.

Anticipated Surge in AI Adoption

Generative AI’s role in work execution will be a significant conversation in 2024. As its popularity moves beyond functioning as a search engine, the employee benefits industry will witness an acceleration in AI adoption. This will prompt C-suites to explore its potential for the following:

  1. Productivity
  2. Equity
  3. Fairness for employees and customers

This transformation marks a pivotal shift in workplace operations.

In 2024, companies, especially significant enterprises, will significantly increase AI integration. This is anticipated to require ongoing upskilling to match the evolving technological landscape. In turn, it will enhance overall productivity and efficiency.

Addressing AI Anxieties in the Workplace

The evolving AI landscape will lead to changes in job requirements, representing a fear of the unknown more than a threat to job security. In 2024, concerns about AI automating jobs will be addressed. 

Companies will witness AI’s advantages firsthand, minimizing apprehensions. AI will streamline tasks, making tedious work more accessible for employees. This will enable a balanced digital and human workforce.

Anxieties surrounding AI and automation will diminish as its use creates more jobs than it displaces. This may result from generative AI being used as a complement rather than a replacement for human roles.

Establishing a Foundation for AI Application

As AI dominates workplaces, establishing a robust foundation for its application becomes crucial. The following will be essential in effectively deploying AI-powered tools:

  • Addressing biases
  • Fostering inclusivity
  • Ensuring transparency
  • Refining decision-making processes

Properly doing so should prevent amplifying any organizational issues.

Upskilling and Reskilling Revolution

AI will unlock opportunities. It will handle administrative tasks, enabling employees to focus on strategic and innovative work. A thoughtful AI workplace strategy will be crucial for businesses of all sizes and industries.

Bridging the Gap with Generative AI

Proper training will bridge the gap between the promise of generative AI and its practical implementation. Organizations prioritizing continuous learning will navigate AI’s transformative impact more effectively. They will foster an environment where employees embrace working alongside AI systems.

AI’s Impact on HR Functions

The HR landscape is undergoing a digital transformation accelerated by AI adoption. It offers notable improvements in HR processes. Embracing AI enables HR to focus on strategic initiatives and improve employee experience.

HR professionals must deepen their AI knowledge to align with evolving AI strategies. AI prowess will become a prerequisite for HR jobs in 2024. HR professionals should strive to catch up with AI advancements.

Integrating AI into HR functions will streamline processes. It will drive efficiency and offer more personalized experiences to the workforce. This integration will lead to advanced employee education/training platforms. The goal is to ensure personalized learning experiences and satisfaction. Ultimately, it should improve retention rates.

Caution in Validating AI-based HR Tech

While AI enhances efficiency, caution is necessary in reviewing and validating AI-based HR tech. Unregulated AI poses risks, demanding savvy understanding and validation before workplace integration.

AI Tools in Recruitment

The use of AI-enabled tools will increase in recruitment. They can enhance hiring workflows, skill development, and employee engagement.

Embracing AI as a Coworker

AI’s integration as a coworker will require employees to navigate it skillfully. Soft skills like a growth mindset and sound judgment will remain critical for successful interactions with AI. They should guide its use toward task delegation rather than strategy.

AI’s Role in Analytics and Responsible AI

AI-driven HR technology will unlock predictive insights. That will enable data-driven decisions for employee turnover, safety, and workplace dynamics.

Advantages of AI Support and Trust in AI

AI support in business conversations will expand, particularly during open enrollment seasons. The growing trust in AI will redefine decision-making. It will highlight its significance in complex data analysis and decision-making processes.

HR’s Focus on Human Aspects

AI adoption enables HR to prioritize skill-based resourcing. This will emphasize employee preferences and the need for data-driven decisions. Trust in AI will evolve. It may lead to reliance on AI for complex decision-making and employee preferences.

Future Challenges and Key Takeaways

The rapid evolution of AI will transform workplaces. Yet, the lack of critical skills poses a challenge. Soft skills are vital to effectively leverage AI. HR’s focus should be on their development.

Regulatory complexities in the AI landscape demand organizations navigate diverse regulations. AI’s integration in HR will reshape roles, emphasizing HR’s strategic input. 

AI adoption is essential for growth and facilitating employee development. Organizations must balance AI and human engagement for successful integration into workplaces.

New Employee Recruitment Strategy: The 4-Day Work Week

New Employee Recruitment Strategy: The 4-Day Work Week

In the wake of the pandemic, flexible work schedules have become a more common employee recruitment option. Many companies, a significant 88% of employers,  now offer different remote work options. These options include the following:

  • 50% of surveyed employers offer fully remote work
  • 75% of surveyed employers offer flexible schedules with remote options on specific days
  • 24% of surveyed employers offer compressed work weeks

This option allows employees to complete a standard 40-hour workweek in fewer than five days. This shift in how we work has profound implications for the modern workplace.

In the fast-evolving business world, companies continually search for innovative recruitment strategies. One such employee strategy that has gained increasing attention is the adoption of a four-day workweek. This work schedule is designed to provide employees with more flexibility and an improved work-life balance.

Introduction to the Four-Day Work Week Trend

The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans recently conducted a survey of employers. Its goal was to examine the four-day workweek. For this purpose, the work schedule was defined as a reduction in weekly work hours from 40 to 32 hours.

The survey reveals that 5% of employers already offer a four-day workweek. For some, it is their official policy. Others do it on a case-by-case basis. An additional 14% of employers are contemplating implementing it, and 1% are in the process of piloting such a schedule. This showcases the growing interest in the approach.

Of employers offering a four-day or 32-hour workweek, the breakdown is as follows:

  • 41% due to employee requests
  • 36% as a retention strategy
  • 36% for work-life balance and company culture
  • 25% as a recruitment tool

Some employers apply the approach company-wide. Others restrict it to specific job roles, certain employees, or designated locations.

What Are the Benefits?

For the employers who offer their employees a 4-day workweek, they cited the following as benefits they experience. For those who are considering it, these are their desired outcomes of doing so.

Improved Work-Life Balance

A significant advantage of the four-day workweek is the potential for a better work-life balance. With a shorter workweek, employees can enjoy more leisure time. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and reduced burnout.

Increased Productivity

Surprisingly, a compressed workweek often leads to heightened productivity. When employees have fewer days in the office, they tend to focus more on essential tasks, reducing time-wasting activities. This can result in a more efficient use of work hours and, ultimately, a more productive workforce.

Attraction of Top Talent

The adoption of a four-day workweek can be a powerful employee recruitment tool. In a competitive job market, potential candidates are drawn to employers who offer unique and flexible benefits. Businesses offering this work arrangement are likely to stand out and attract top talent who value work-life balance.

Employee Retention

Once a company has recruited top talent, it’s essential to keep them. The four-day workweek can serve as a retention strategy. It ensures that employees are content with their work-life balance. Satisfied employees are more likely to stay with their current employer. This results in a reduced turnover and associated recruitment costs.

What Are the Potential Drawbacks?

Convincing decision-makers about the benefits can be a significant challenge. In fact, many employers, about 80%, are unconvinced. This can make implementing a four-day workweek difficult.

One of the primary concerns associated with a four-day workweek is the potential impact on business operations. Some companies worry that a reduced workweek may hinder their ability to meet customer demands.

The reasons employers choose not to offer a 4-day workweek break down thusly:

  • 42% due to upper management disinterest
  • 38% worry about widespread implementation challenges
  • 36% due to potential negative impact on business operations
  • 32% worry about the inability to support their customer base

Administrative burdens and potential costs also contribute to their hesitation.

What Is the Takeaway?

As they navigate the post-pandemic work landscape, businesses experiment with flexible work weeks. Plus, while some have already adopted a four-day work week, others are considering the shift.

Some choose to adopt a 4-day workweek as part of their employee recruitment strategy. To successfully do so, companies should consider their employees’ preferences, as well as the potential impact on the business operations. The four-day workweek may not be suitable for all organizations. However, it has the potential to revolutionize the way we view work and employment.

In conclusion, this is a promising recruitment strategy that can provide businesses with a competitive edge in the job market. Companies can use this innovative work arrangement to attract, retain, and nurture top talent. In the ever-changing landscape of recruitment and employment, the four-day workweek offers an exciting path forward.

Employer/Employee Relations: Who’s in Control?

Employer/Employee Relations: Who’s in Control?

The pendulum continues to swing. Going “back to normal” is a status many businesses long for even as they struggle to manage the “new normal.” With many workers insisting on the freedom they experienced working remotely, and employers calling for a return to their cultivated work culture, there is bound to be tension.

So, “Who’s in control of employer/employee relations?” 

Employer/employee relations form the foundation of our modern workforce. By examining the current trends, we can gain insight into the evolving dynamics of employer/employee relations.

Remote Work and Flexible Arrangements

In recent decades, many trends have altered the employment landscape. Non-traditional work arrangements, such as freelance and contract work, have blurred the lines between traditional employer and employee roles. This results in new challenges in determining control and responsibility.

Remote work often requires a shift in management strategies, with a greater emphasis on results and performance. However, this shift means that employees may feel the need to be constantly connected to work. This sometimes blurs the line between their personal and professional life. 

While workers have more control over their work environments and schedules, employers may fear that this lack of oversight could result in less productivity.  The challenge is finding a balance. The desired solution would allow employees the flexibility they desire while ensuring employers can maintain control over work outcomes.

Mental Health Matters

Additionally, mental health has emerged as a prominent issue. More people are reporting feelings of depression and anxiety. Rates of drug abuse, addiction, and suicide have been steadily increasing. Although many are becoming more aware of mental illnesses, work-related stress, and burnout, businesses continue to find practical solutions to be a challenge.

Employers recognize that overly strict regulation can lead to feelings of employee dissatisfaction. That results in high turnover rates. In fact, the Great Resignation and quiet quitting trends have been linked to the level of support an employer offers its workers.

Workers prioritize their mental well-being and the quality of the work culture as they seek opportunities. Therefore, wellness and mental health have become important recruitment strategies for businesses. 

Major health events, including mental health ones, change everything in a person’s life. As employers and HR advisors, we need to take the health of our workers seriously. 

Balancing Employer and Employee Interests

With the increased attention that employee needs are getting, more employers are aware than ever before. Unfortunately, inflation has made wage increases difficult. Plus, more inclusive benefit options are increasingly expected to attract new talent. It has become challenging for many employers to keep up.

Employers are vested in ensuring their businesses’ productivity and profitability. This often involves making decisions that affect employee workloads, compensation, and job security. In contrast, employees seek job satisfaction, fair compensation, and security. 

Employers often feel torn between wanting to support their employees and wishing to avoid price increases. This is clear in the healthcare benefits landscape. Balancing these sometimes conflicting interests is essential for a healthy workplace.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Although the pandemic redefined work dynamics, there’s a real sense of cooperation and negotiation. It’s in the best interests of both employers and employees to work for a mutually beneficial arrangement. 

Employers can engage in open dialogue with their workforce. They can seek feedback and involve employees in decision-making processes that affect them. This inclusive approach can enhance employee satisfaction and reduce feelings of powerlessness.

When employees feel included in the process, they are more likely to cooperate. They may support initiatives that may initially appear restrictive.

As businesses weigh their needs with those of their employees, it becomes increasingly apparent. This support is required to attract and secure top talent in a competitive environment. 

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be delving into a few innovative solutions for improving employer/employee relations. We’ll discuss measuring employee engagement as well as creative recruitment strategies.

Overall, the employer/employee relationship is in a decent place, with neither in the position to make many demands. That is a pretty good way to start.

How to Navigate HR Compliance With An International Workforce

How to Navigate HR Compliance With An International Workforce

Maintaining compliance in an ever-shifting, increasingly globalized world has its own peculiar challenges which will only grow more complex as time marches on. By understanding these top challenges, you can better situate yourself to take advantage of the opportunities they bring with them.

New Market Compliance 

A 2016 study concluded that “87% of U.S. companies believe international expansion is a necessity for long-term growth.”

The Covid pandemic may have highlighted issues associated with increased globalization, but it also underlined its inevitability. We are more aware of the global supply chain than ever before, and practically anyone can interact with it in meaningful ways through the internet.

And with each new territory with which your business interacts there are a bevy of new laws and regulations – and the onus is on you, the owner, to successfully navigate them.

Tax calculations and regulations are documented in native languages, and the regulations surrounding labor vary widely within foreign markets. For instance, in Mexico, new hires must be registered with the government within a five-day window whereas in Spain such registration must be completed before employment begins.

Violations in this realm can incur immense costs.

While on-the-ground support is clearly the best scenario, it might not be scalable for your enterprise. Couple that with the rapidity with which businesses are expected to grow, and even the most experienced HR departments can feel the strain in grappling with international compliance.

Payroll Compliance

While international compliance poses some obvious challenges, domestic compliance has issues all its own. Different regions and municipalities have their own laws which are being continually updated. Failure to comply with these tax deadlines can result in massive penalties and fines.

So how do you know where to focus your attention? The stakes with payroll compliance are high, and the particularities of the provinces vary.

Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile require employee signatures of pay-slips upon receipt. Overlooking this would leave you open to lawsuits for lost wages.

Italy requires an Italian bank account to pay monthly statutory tax returns. Ignorance of this fact would lead to a massive headache on the due date.

However, the legal aspect of compliance is just half the battle. Compliance failures can erode workforce morale in spectacularly short order. How long can an employee be expected to wait for their wages? A few hours? Days? Your reputation is at stake if you miscalculate.

One survey showed that 49% of American workers will be looking for a new job after just two payroll errors. Now you’re increasing recruitment allocations to fill existing positions.


International benefits policy requires careful consideration.

First, acquaint yourself with the statutory requirements in each country. Bonus points if you’re fluent in the local language as many governments will detail these statutory minimums on their websites

Here is a prime opportunity to consider your current spending on benefits. Though the U.S. requires substantial coverage from large employers, most countries have some degree of state-provided healthcare coverage. Thus, offering prime, private health insurance to global workers may prove redundant and costly.

The demographics of your workforce can also significantly shift your benefits calculus. A senior director in the U.K. may need supplemental private healthcare for their family, whereas a single salesperson in France might opt for reduced healthcare coverage and opt instead for a richer profit-sharing package.

While gender inequality dominates the headlines, so too does the definition of family and the practice of family leave. 

The U.S. design of shared parental leave is markedly different from the 52 weeks shared between parents in Denmark. Considering these differences complicates more than the compliance itself, it also complicates the allocations of resources in response to cultural relationships to regulations. 

Liability Insurance

The liability insurance you provide your employees will vary from country to country. Most have different schedules of resources for such insurance. However, many global organizations have begun adopting private insurance protections even in nations with established plans. This does more than appease legal responsibilities, it also addresses ethical responsibilities.

An organization’s culture should promote the well-being of everyone involved, regardless of their geographic location. Assessing insurance liabilities is a basic way to address the effectiveness of your employee protections.

Termination Policies and Practices

There are only two certainties: death and taxes. With a particular lens, terminations can fall into both categories.

Incorrectly managed terminations can be unpleasant for all parties involved.

“At-will employment” exists only within the U.S., a streamlined termination function that is not to be found elsewhere around the world. Therefore, when considering terminations abroad, there are a multitude of procedures and processes that must be adhered to if you’re to maintain compliance.

Theft or other criminal acts are simpler to navigate during termination regardless of the geography. Laws are effective guidelines for proper behavior. The difficulty comes in issues tethered to employee performance or disagreements. Different places have different requirements for legal termination of employees based on performance. Most will require documentation and evidence, and in some places, it can take up to a full year to legally terminate an employee.

There are instances where a justification can be made, but there are still notice periods and severance pay mandates that require proper attention.

Retirement and Pension Plans

The U.S. workforce is aging rapidly. While the covid pandemic coaxed some people to accept retirement, Gen Xers and Baby Boomers still make up 58% of the workforce. With this concentration of older workers comes interesting resource planning – the pensions for an anticipated exodus.

There are no hard and fast international rules about retirement age, it is useful to consider how different countries approach retirement. France allows workers to claim retirement after reaching the age of 62, but who may also gain a higher pension by working to the full-rate retirement age of 67. The U.K. recently rewrote pension laws to require employers to contribute at least 3% into an employee’s private pension scheme.

This reflects a growing global trend – statutory requirements of private businesses to allocate resources to employee pension funds.

Global HR compliance is unavoidably challenging and complex. However, by facing it head-on, business owners may be able to take the advantages presented by shifting global sentiments, winning victories for themselves and for their increasingly global workforces.

Launchways is here to support you and help you navigate international workforce compliance issues.

COVID “Long-Haulers” May Now Qualify for FMLA and ADA Protection

COVID “Long-Haulers” May Now Qualify for FMLA and ADA Protection

On July 26th, the 31st anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), President Joe Biden announced that individuals coping with long-term symptoms from COVID-19 may be eligible for disability protections under the ADA and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), so what does this mean for employers?

Health experts are still learning about “long-COVID”, officially dubbed Post-Acute Sequelae of Sars-Cov-2 Infection, and the medical community’s understanding of the condition is continuing to evolve as more information comes in. The CDC website lists the following as the most common post-COVID symptoms: 

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Tiredness or fatigue
  • Symptoms that get worse after physical or mental activities
  • Difficulty thinking or concentrating (sometimes referred to as “brain fog”)
  • Cough
  • Chest or stomach pain
  • Headache
  • Fast-beating or pounding heart (also known as heart palpitations)
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Pins-and-needles feeling
  • Diarrhea
  • Sleep problems
  • Fever
  • Dizziness on standing (lightheadedness)
  • Rash
  • Mood changes
  • Change in smell or taste
  • Changes in period cycles

In his July 26th announcement, Biden said that “many Americans who seemingly recover from the virus still face lingering challenges like breathing problems, brain fog, chronic pain and fatigue. These conditions can sometimes…rise to the level of a disability.” 

Employers are advised to treat all requests for accommodation or leave involving long-term COVID-19 symptoms in the same manner they would for any other non-obvious impairment or disability. 

If an employee is seeking FMLA leave – either intermittent or as an interval of time, employers should take the following steps to decide how to proceed:

  • Determine if the employer covered by FMLA
  • If so, determine if the employee qualifies for FMLA. Consider that the employer must have 50 employees within 75 miles of the employee’s worksite, and the employee must have been employed at least 12 months and must have worked a minimum of 1250 hours in the past 12 months. 
  • Provide the employee with a Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibilities, Form WH-381, even if they are not eligible for FMLA leave. 
  • If the employee is determined to be eligible for FMLA leave, the employer should request healthcare certification showing that the claimed disability qualifies the employee for FMLA protection. 
  • Employees seeking leave due to their own symptoms should be provided with Form WH-380-E, and employees seeking leave to care for a family member should be provided with form WH-380-F
  • A Designation Notice, Form WH-382, should be used to either denominate the leave as FMLA leave or to serve as notice to the employee that the leave is unapproved or additional information is required. 

If the individual is seeking ADA Accommodations for long-haul COVID-19 symptoms, the employer should consult with the individual to determine what their exact limitations are and what accommodations are being sought. Keep in mind that the ADA requires the employer to make reasonable accommodations for employees, as well as applicants for employment, who have disabilities. 

The ADA does not provide a checklist of conditions that are covered, so instead the employer will need to conduct an individualized assessment to determine if the person has a disability as defined by the ADA. In this context a disability is defined as any impairment that substantially limits major life functions. 

Guidance issued by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Health and Human Services (HHS) on July 26th stated that the phrase “substantially limits” should be interpreted broadly and should not require in-depth analysis. 

The employer should then request the individual to have their healthcare provider submit written confirmation of:

  • The extent that a disability will substantially limit the individual’s major life functions, including the nature of the disability, its severity, and the anticipated duration of the disability. 
  • Their assessment of the individual’s ability to perform the essential functions of the position, with or without reasonable accommodation. 
  • What accommodations the provider believes should be provided that would allow the individual to perform the essential functions of the position safely. 

If it becomes clear that the individual does have a disability, the employer should continue to engage with the individual to determine appropriate accommodations. The individual is not granted the ability to dictate which accommodations are provided under the ADA, but it is in the best interest of all parties that they reach an agreement on this subject. 

Employers should also keep in mind that reasonable accommodations are not required under the ADA if they would cause an undue hardship on the business, and that long-term effects from COVID-19 don’t always qualify as a disability under the ADA. 

It is important employers fully understand the scope of the laws’ coverage in order to be prepared to handle any potential situation. No matter the outcome, employers should always carefully document every step throughout this process and be sure to communicate clearly with the individual seeking accommodations. 

A New Normal for the Modern Workplace

A New Normal for the Modern Workplace

We are now more than a year since major news organizations first began sounding the alarm for the emerging COVID-19 pandemic and looking back on articles from that time can be quite jarring. In mid-March of 2020, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf gave a speech asking for “two weeks to flatten the curve”. That optimism was echoed in American workplaces, with expectations of employees needing to work from home for perhaps a few short months. Over a year later, and companies are only now announcing plans to bring employees back into their physical workplaces. As we watched the pandemic stretch from weeks into months, and from months to years, it became evident that the changes brought about in the business world were here to stay.

A long year of uncertainty and upheaval has left many organizations without a sense of clarity regarding what their employees want and need.

Options Galore

Perhaps the most consequential topic of conversation and debate within the workplace going forward will revolve around how to manage the changing expectations and demands of employees. The general trend is toward a growing number of options for handling schedules, workplace flexibility, and benefits. If the changes brought about by the pandemic were short lived, one might expect a relatively quick and graceful return to normal routines and procedures. We all would have happily returned to our physical workplaces and continued with business as usual.

That obviously is not what happened. It took many of us months to become acclimated to remote work, and enough time has gone by now that these changes are quickly becoming a durable part of the modern world. After more than a full year, many of us have become quite accustomed to working from home, and some have even made drastic changes to their lifestyles and are now dependent upon the flexibility of these new work arrangements. Because of this, it is impractical, perhaps untenable, for us to expect the workplace to return to pre-pandemic norms.

Many organizations are already realizing this, marking an incredible transformation in the perception of remote and hybrid workforces. In the early stages of the pandemic, very few organizations would have taken seriously the notion that these changes would become permanent. Only a small percentage of companies were utilizing remote work at scale, but the experiment of the last year has proven its feasibility, and now there really is no going back.

This subject is complex and multi-faceted, but the primary concern on most people’s minds is scheduling. Of course, not every organization is going to make remote work the norm going forward, but it will likely remain an option in the vast majority of them even after physical workplaces reopen. Many of the world’s largest companies have already announced plans to embrace remote work as at least part of their plans going forward, such as Microsoft, Spotify, Dropbox, and Uber, among others. It is not uncommon to hear of companies that have decided to end their leases and get rid of their physical offices altogether. This trend has spawned office vacancy crises in major cities throughout the US and, considering that more than half of employees currently working remotely would like to continue to do so, this is not expected to be a short-lived phenomenon. If organizations want to remain competitive in the labor market and retain their talented employees, they need to embrace the hybrid workforce transformation.

Remote work is not for everyone, however, and it is important to keep in mind that many are eager to return to their physical workplaces. Pandemic related safety measures are relaxing in many parts of the country, but where they remain in place organizations are exploring creative strategies to keep occupancy to recommended maximums. Staggered schedules and compressed workweeks have emerged as popular approaches because they allow employees to return to the workplace if they wish by rotating who is coming in at various times. Flextime, a strategy that allows employees to work at the times that work best for them, is another option to keep an eye on as it is likely to be in high demand as physical offices and workplaces reopen.

Despite their hesitation, organizations are realizing that strategies like flextime and remote work come with tangible benefits, such as increased employee productivity, retention, and engagement.

Organizational Challenges Incoming

            It is no secret that at the top of the list of any business’s concerns is ensuring that the policies they follow protect and benefit their bottom line, and this topic is no different. It simply is not feasible to expect every company to accommodate 100% of their employees working remotely going forward, but expectations have changed, and the smart move will be to try to meet those expectations where possible.

            Many of the changes we have seen in easily adapted work like IT and Human Resources are generally here to stay, as are video conferencing tools like Zoom and Skype. We should also expect to see new tools emerge to better meet the needs of the new hybrid workforce. Solving the major pain points of remote work, like communication and organization, will be a new frontier in software development going forward. Because of these changes, companies are likely to start aggressively seeking out management and staff that have experience working with distributed teams.

            As the pendulum swings in the direction of remote work, we should all be wary of a potential pitfall: overcompensation. The desire to be at the leading edge of this transition is understandable, but we currently only have a year of data to verify the feasibility of hybrid workforces, and the practicality of it is likely to vary widely from organization to organization. Many will be drawn to the promise of lower expenses and reduced complexity, but the results are sure to be mixed.

            Organizations should be leery of changing too much too quickly despite the pressures that they are likely to face. The first order of business should be to get those who want to work in a physical workplace and those who want to continue to work remotely set up to do so as quickly and efficiently as possible. It is important to let the dust settle and a sense of normalcy to return before any further drastic changes are made. Given where much of the country remains regarding COVID-19 precautions, simply reopening workplaces to any degree is going to be a significant enough challenge already.

            Many employees will prefer to continue working from home, but that does not mean that it should become the new standard just yet. The importance of the social component of life and work is not to be underestimated, as we have seen over the last year, so it comes as no surprise that many of us yearn to see their coworkers and customers in person again.

            As companies make decisions about how to handle the emergence of remote work, the key will be for them to focus on providing options to their employees, not requirements. Regardless of what they decide, it is important that their decisions are calculated and deliberate. Most organizations spent the last year simply trying to ride the wave and not drown amid the chaos – leaving aside, of course, the companies that were already working remotely before the pandemic.

            Now that the experiment has been run and the results are coming in, everyone is starting to look toward the future. This should be considered a great opportunity to evaluate the success and failures of what was tried and make decisions based on those results through the lens of what is best for that particular organization going forward. We are no longer improvising on the fly. Companies are going to start learning from what has happened and it is the companies that are deliberate about their decisions regarding remote work and carefully develop their plans that will be most competitive.

            The first step in making such a plan should be to collect and analyze as much data as possible from your employees about their interests and expectations regarding remote work. This could take the form of interviews, group discussions, company-wide surveys, one-on-one conversations, or some combination of these options. Regardless of the method, management needs to get a scope on what their employees want before they will be able to assess what is feasible to offer them.

            Tough compromises are almost inevitable because, in most situations, neither the employer nor the employee is going to come away with everything that they want. Consider more complex situations, like the companies that will not be able to offer the same remote work options to all their employees because of differences in the type of work that they do. Ford recently offered 86,000 of their employees the option to continue working from home permanently, but this is not possible for its 100,000 plus factory workers. The cost of workforce infighting can be substantial, so to prevent conflict, organizations may consider offering other benefits to the employees who work in roles that cannot be adapted to remote work. Whatever they do, it is imperative that they reaffirm the importance of those workers.

Taking all of this into consideration is going to be overwhelming for a lot of organizations, especially small businesses. Management should remind themselves that they are not going to be able to please everyone. All that can be reasonably expected is that they make good-faith efforts to meet the needs of as many of their employees as possible.

            The knock-on effects from the pandemic, such as the emergence of remote work, have forced organizations and employees to completely re-evaluate their priorities and needs. Tough decisions are going to be made and, in many cases, both employers and employees are going to have to look elsewhere to have those needs met. Disruptions like this are undoubtedly stressful, but if the situation is managed strategically, at the end of the day we might all be better off.