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Employee morale plays a pivotal role in shaping the dynamics and outcomes of a workplace. Simply put, when employees are content and motivated, they tend to be more engaged, creative, and productive. 

Conversely, a dip in morale can lead to disengagement, increased absenteeism, and a higher turnover rate. All of which can spell trouble for an organization’s success. 

Therefore, employers need to gauge and grasp the morale of their employees to foster a positive and thriving work atmosphere.

Chicago-based company, Launchways, has delved into the importance of measuring morale in the workplace. We offer this insight.

Why Measure Employee Morale?

Employee engagement is essential for a company’s success. To effectively attract and retain top talent, organizations should begin by assessing whether their current employees are happy. That helps employers know how to keep valuable employees. 

Workplace morale affects the following:

  • Productivity and Performance: When employees are satisfied and motivated, they are more inclined to invest their best efforts and produce high-quality work. 
  • Employee Retention: Employees who find content at work are less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere. 
  • Engagement and Innovation: A positive work environment nurtures a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

Measuring Employee Engagement

To gauge employee satisfaction, many employers continue to rely on employee engagement surveys. But lately, employee engagement has been at its lowest point in nearly ten years. Employers start to wonder if the usual surveys really show what employees think.

Instead of using the same old surveys, employers should think about new ways to see how engaged employees are. It’s also important to improve the surveys to make sure they show how employees truly feel. Here are a few ideas that can help employers better understand employee engagement.

Updating Employee Engagement Surveys

When done properly, regular employee surveys can still effectively measure employee engagement. A few factors to consider for updating your surveys:

  1. Keep surveys short and timely. Send short 3-5 question polls for specific activities or occurrences. Reserve long surveys for annual or bi-annual reviews.
  2. Be concise and clear about what you are asking. Simple questions often get the best answers.
  3. Invite feedback and suggestions. Leaving an open-ended feedback section allows employees to provide additional information. This ensures they feel heard. 

Although surveys are probably the most popular method for measuring employee satisfaction, they aren’t the only one. To get a holistic view of engagement in your organization, consider including the following options.

One-on-One Meetings

Many workers don’t feel heard when they only have a few pre-written multiple-choice answers to choose from. Conducting one-on-one interviews with employees offers valuable insights into their morale. Such interviews provide employees with a confidential space to express their concerns and emotions.

Companies should provide managers with the proper training to lead these meetings in a way that ensures employees feel heard and respected.

Company Forum or Chat Channel

Creating a “forum” where employees can discuss current business issues may promote broader discussions. This form of communication allows employers and HR leaders to identify current problems. They can use that information to initiate real conversations to work toward real solutions.

Tracking Metrics

Tracking employee behavior over time can serve as an indicator of morale. Consider monitoring the following and investigating their root causes.

  • Employee Turnover Rates
  • Absenteeism and Sick Leave
  • Performance Metrics

Identifying patterns can help organizations unearth and address underlying issues.

The Takeaway

Today’s employees know what their priorities are. By measuring employee engagement and morale, employers can improve their ability to attract and retain talent. This enhances the company culture and creates an environment where workers feel valued.

This, in turn, benefits not only employees but also the organization as a whole. In the grand scheme of things, the question “Are your employees happy?” should invariably top the priority list of every organization wishing to create a thriving and productive workplace. For more insight, check out Employer/Employee Relations: Who’s in Control?

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